Larry Lain, PASTOR
Pastor Larry Lain and his wife Krista came to Arise in April 2019. They have 3 children: Averi (a recent newlywed who now lives in Spain), Eli (a recent high school graduate who will be attending Cedarville University starting fall 2021), and Acacia (mother of Santi).
The Lains have served overseas as international workers with CAMA Services & Envision division of the Christian Missionary Alliance to Mongolia and Spain. Today they are involved in evangelism and discipleship, especially with millennials. Larry has a Master's degree in Global Leadership with an emphasis in Community Development from Crown College. Krista has Master's degrees in Counseling Psychology and Spiritual Formation as well as an M.Div. She is also a certified Life Coach.
Having met in the Air Force, both Lains are active with CrossFit training and anything outdoors--such as rock climbing, axe throwing, and shooting sports. And they love coffee!

BarretT Myers, Worship Leader
Barrett Myers is most visible as the guitar-wielding leader of the worship team on Sunday mornings at Arise.
He's proud of being born in Colorado — but he lived there only for a year and actually spent most of his formative years in Kentucky before God brought him to Lafayette as a Purdue graduate student in 2005. With degrees in Computer Science and Technology, Barrett works as a software developer for DelMar Software Development.
His heart throbs with passion for several areas that Arise treasures — especially music and community. He led the inauguration of the church's home group ministry and coordinates the team of musicians who lead worship at weekly services. Barrett is a talented musician outside the church walls, too — he has published two collections of his own songs (The Coming and the Leaving and The Letting Go) and hosts a monthly radio show, Acoustic Blend, on Purdue's station WBAA.
Married to Joelle (whose voice often blends with his in worship), Barrett also enjoys leisurely hiking and more intense exercise and training — he loves to coach and is a previous owner of CrossFit West Lafayette. Finally, he has pursued deeper inner healing and transformation through a two-year program with the Soul Care Institute.

Paul King, Pastor Emeritus
Paul King served as Pastor of Arise from its founding as a merger church until his retirement in the 2020, after which he and his wife Kathy moved to Tulsa, OK. Paul's ministry spans nearly five decades as a pastor, university professor and administrator, church planter, Young Life leader, Christian school administrator, ministry and leadership consultant, and conference speaker.
In Paul's own words: "I love to teach the Word of God, to lead and mentor people into a higher life in Christ, and to equip every believer for ministry." He has two doctorates—a Doctor of Theology from the University of South Africa and a Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University—and he continues to teach graduate-level courses and advise students.
He is also a prolific author. Paul says, "When I was 12 years old God called me to ministry and communicating His truth through writing." His dozen-plus books focus on the Higher Christian Life, healing, spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit, faith, and finding purpose and calling in life.
To learn more about Paul and his ministry, visit www.paulkingministries.com.
The Governing Board is responsible for administering church budget and business; the Elders oversee ministry more specifically. At the church's annual meeting, voting members elect individuals to serve on the Governing Board (one-year terms) and as Elders (staggered three-year terms). Elders and the Pastor also serve on the board.
- Pastor Larry Lain
- Mike Smith (elder)
- Sig Kriebel (elder)
- Jason Roehl (elder)
- Judi Buchman (board member)
- Walter Moyer (board member)
- Barrett Myers (board member)